Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Things I losed (diary)

The day he protested and scolded me for being too possessive,too caring,too protective, that day I too scold myself for being so.
    How can I be too caring for the one who is surrounded by innumberable loving hands.
  How can I be too possessive for the one who is enjoying his freedom over the years.
   How can I be too protective for the one who is already empowered by strong love of his near ones.
How can I try to be try his closest if his he is already the moon for his near ones.
How can a deserted and lonely person like me can make his life special.
   How can a happy soul love a wretched soul.
      That day I losed rights, i losed love, i losed me.

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Flavor in love

That day she grudged him all over in phone, and told him not to call her anymore, oh!  Whats the reason for that?  All because he never post...